How do I protect my home sale from Shadow Flipping?

How do I protect my home sale from Shadow Flipping?

Vancouver’s shadow-flipping has been a hot topic in the media in British Columbia, Canada. But are you at risk? This guide explains the facts. You may be wondering how to protect your home sale from Shadow Flipping, a practice that has made headlines across Metro Vancouver. Shadow flipping is the practice of selling one property to […]

Real Estate Trends to watch for as BC Reopens

It’s clear that the British Columbia real estate market has been booming over the past year. We’ve seen significant increases in home sales and prices since the pandemic started in March 2020. As a growing percentage of the population is vaccinated and more people are being tested positive for COVID-19, the province has entered phase 3 of BC’s […]

Home Staging Vancouver: How to Stage Your Property Without a Huge Expense

Home staging is the process of enhancing the appearance of a property to make it more appealing to prospective buyers. BCREA suggests that you focus on the appearance of the living room, kitchen, and master bedroom and outside curb appeal. I have personally helped hundreds of clients to stage their home for sale in Vancouver. […]

99 Years or Bust: Should You Buy a Leasehold Property in Vancouver?

Life is full of tradeoffs. If you want a bigger home and ownership in a great neighbourhood, it will cost more. But if you buy leasehold prepaid nonstrata property or a leasehold strata lot, you can save big and get the house or condo of your dreams! Read More: Guide to buying a condo. The […]

Condo maintenance and strata fees: what’s included?

Condo maintenance and strata fees: what’s included?

Your monthly mortgage payment and purchase price are only part of the equation when you buy a condo. Your monthly expenses could be significantly increased depending on how big the building is. The maintenance fees for a condominium building include snow removal, trash pickup, and common areas cleaning. They also cover certain amenities and property management. […]

Demand for Smaller Condos is Growing in US & Metro Vancouver Canada

The Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation has found troubling data that shows that our housing markets in Canada are shrinking, as our population continues to grow. Because major city centres like Vancouver homes for sale and Toronto will not be back to affordable levels, many Canadians are flocking towards living spaces that are much smaller. […]